This news article was published on 07 Jul 2023
If you choose to take your pension benefits before your Normal Pension Age, they will normally be reduced. The reduction is based on the period between the date your benefits are paid and your Normal Pension Age. The earlier you take your pension, the bigger the reduction. The Government recently...
This news article was published on 25 Apr 2023
The Government has responded to its consultation on changes to the LGPS to remove the discrimination identified in the McCloud court case. See the McCloud court case FAQs and the member factsheet for a summary of the judgment and the changes the Government is making to the LGPS.
This news article was published on 06 Apr 2023
The contributions you pay to the LGPS are tax-free up to certain limits. You may have to pay tax if your pension savings are more than those limits. The Government has recently made changes to these limits: The money purchase and tapered annual allowance limits have also changed. See the...
This news article was published on 05 Apr 2023
Both you and your employer pay contributions to pay for your LGPS pension. How much you pay depends on how much you earn. You will pay between 5.5% and 12.5% of your pensionable pay. Every April your employer will decide your contribution rate. If you have more than one job,...
This news article was published on 18 Jul 2022
Pension credit provides extra income for people over State Pension Age on lower incomes. In April 2022, it was estimated that about 850,000 households are missing out on Pension Credit because they think it isn’t meant for them. Pension Credit can be worth up to £3,300 a year and you may be...